Anillo 3 - Original

An interactive fiction by Mel Hython (2009) - the Inform 7 source text

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Chapter 3 - Sinónimos generales


Sección para poner sinónimos
generales, tales como los nuevos
buscares o nuevos verbos



Understand "con cuidado/detalle" or "cuidadosamente/detalladamente" or "a fondo" or "a fondo en" as "[cuidado]".

Understand "examina [a thing] [cuidado]" or "examina [cuidado] [a thing]" as searching.

Understand "el interior" or "dentro" or "interior" as "[dentrode]".
Understand "examina [dentrode] de/del [a thing]" or "examina [dentrode] [a thing]" as searching.
Understand "revisa [a thing]" as searching.
Understand "busca entre [a thing]" or "busca [a thing]" or "busca [cuidado] [a thing]" as searching.
Understand "en [a thing]" as searching.

[QQQ: Habría que repensar esto un poco mejor]
Understand "en [text]" or "registra [text]" or "examina [dentrode] de/del [text]" or "revisa [text]" or "busca entre [text]" or "examina [cuidado] [text]" as a mistake ("Buscas entre los 'tesoros' del nigromante una forma de salir de este lugar, pero no hay suerte... de momento.") when the location is Lugar Oo Drack.
Understand "en [text]" or "registra [text]" or "examina [dentrode] de/del [text]" or "revisa [text]" or "busca entre [text]" or "examina [cuidado] [text]"as a mistake ("No encuentras nada ahí.") when the location is not Lugar Oo Drack.


Understand "tranquiliza [a thing]" or "tranquilizar [a thing]" as touching.

[Saborear no tiene sentido en esta aventura]

Instead of tasting a thing:
    try eating the noun.


Understand the command "arrancar" or "arranca" as "coge".


Understand "ataca [someone]" as attacking.

[ATAR, unimos las variantes de rodear, untar, etc... necesairas en atar]

Understand "une [a thing] en/con/sobre [a thing]" as tying it to. [¡¡No estaba!!]
Understand the commands "unta", "lia","enrolla","envuelve" and "envolver" as "une".

[VESTIR, no me gusta que no exista este sinónimo]
Understand "pon [a thing]" as wearing.
Understand "viste [a thing]" or "vestir [a thing]" as wearing.

Before of putting a thing on down:
    try dropping the noun instead.

Understand "desata [a thing]" as taking.

[Para el icalante]
Understand "libera [a thing]" as dropping.